Presentation Guidelines

General Advice for Presentations

  • In any research presentation, it is important to include an introduction, results, conclusions, acknowledgments, and citations.
  • As much as possible, try to look at your audience, rather than facing your visuals. Angle yourself so that you can still see your poster/slides while facing the audience.
  • Focus on talking slowly, particularly at the beginning of your presentation. It is common for people to speed up from their normal talking rate during presentations.
  • Practice your introduction repeatedly. The introduction is at the beginning, so it can be the most unsettling part of giving a presentation. Because you obtained the results, that part of the presentation may also feel more familiar than the introduction.
  • Business casual attire is recommended


Guidelines for Posters

Please check with your advisor to determine how to print a poster at your institution. In preparing your poster, we recommend dimensions of no greater than 3 ft tall x 4 ft wide to fit on the poster board.

Poster Supplies

Poster boards and pushpins to hang posters will be provided for you.


  • Consider the following to make your poster clear and visually appealing:
    • Font and Graphics Sizes: The poster should be readable from up to 3 feet away. Font sizes ranging from about 30 to 70 are recommended; use different sizes for each level (title, heading, etc.).
    • Text vs Graphics: Be as visual as possible. Consider including charts, graphs, photos, etc. Keep clarity and simplicity in mind when deciding which graphics to include.
    •  Color: Use tastefully, and be consistent
  • Practice a short presentation (~3-5 minutes) of your poster


Guidelines for Talks

We will add more details including the amount of time allotted per talk as we get closer to the event and have a sense for the number of presentations.


  • It is recommended that you arrive a few minutes early to check media connectivity and make sure that your presentation loads properly before the start of the session.
  • A PC will be available. You are also welcome to use your own laptop. If you plan to use your own laptop, bring a VGA or HDMI adapter with you. As a backup, even if you are using your own laptop, bring a copy of your presentation on a usb stick.
  • A clicker and laser pointer will be provided for you.

Suggestions for Presentations

  • A good rule of thumb is that it takes about 1 minute to present 1 slide of a talk.
  • Consider the following to make your slides clear and visually appealing:
    •  Font size: 18‐36 point fonts are recommended; use different sizes for each level (title, heading, etc.).
    •  Amount of text: Minimal, aside from the title. Consider using key words and phrases rather than full sentences.
    •  Color: Use tastefully, and be consistent.
    •  Visuals: When inserting photos, charts, graphs, etc, keep simplicity and clarity in mind.
















