Abstract Guidelines

Undergraduates, graduate students, and postdocs are encouraged to apply to present a talk or a poster on their research in chemistry. The talks will be short (~10 minutes or less). The exact time allotted per talk will be shared as we get closer to the event and have a sense for the number of presentations .

To apply, visit the Abstract Submission page and submit an abstract and other requested abstract-related information. Abstract submission closes on Monday October 14th. Applications will be reviewed and decisions shared shortly thereafter. We hope to accommodate all interested presenters.

A few other notes about abstract submissions and presentations:

  • Abstracts should be limited to 1200 characters or less
  • Abstracts based on research in any field of chemistry are encouraged (e.g. analytical chemistry, biochemistry, computational chemistry, inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry/chemical biology, physical chemistry, polymer/materials chemistry)
  • Abstracts should be based on research you are currently working on, or have been over the past year.
  • Abstracts can be based on research you’ve performed at your current institution or at another institution (e.g., as part of a summer research program).
  • You are welcome to apply to present either as an individual or as a small group (2 – 3 people).
  • Ask your research advisor for their permission to present before submitting an abstract, even if you have previously presented on the same research. Some research is confidential and that confidentiality may be context-dependent so it’s important to ask for permission to present. You are also encouraged to review your abstract with your research advisor before applying.
  • The symposium schedule shared with attendees will include the following information about presentations: names and affiliations of presenters and their research advisors; occupations of the presenters (e.g. postdoc); title of the presentation.