Abstract Submission

Please complete this form to apply to present at the symposium. Undergraduate students, graduate students, and postdoctoral researchers are encouraged to apply. If you are applying to present as a group, only one person from the group needs to submit this form. Abstract submission closes on Monday October 14th. Please refer to the Abstract Guidelines page of the symposium website for more information about abstract submission. If you have questions about abstract submission, please contact Lindsay Repka (lrepka@middlebury.edu) or Rory Waterman (rory.waterman@uvm.edu).

Note: Ask your research advisor for their permission before submitting an abstract. You are welcome to present research you conducted at your current institution or research you completed at another institution (e.g. as part of an off-campus summer research program).

Please choose your preferred presentation format below. There are opportunities to present posters or talks. Poster presentations will be in-person. Talks can be in-person or virtual if you are joining us remotely.

Please click submit below. A copy of your completed form will be e-mailed to you. Check your spam folder if you do not see the confirmation e-mail. A copy of your completed form will also be shared with your research advisor and any co-presenters.
